Breaking Ties

Luminaries are the primary tiebreaker. If two players have the same score for Bumper Crop or Sunkissed, the points go to the player with the most Luminaries. In case of a tie for Frostbit, the player with the least Luminaries loses the points. If players have an equal number of Luminaries, no points are gained or lost in that category.

Luminaries are also the primary tiebreaker for final scoring, if two or more players have are tied at seventeen (or more) points at the end of a round. If these players have the same number of Luminaries, then the tie is broken in favor of the player who has collected the most okuses in that final round. If they are also tied in the number of okuses collected, then the tie is broken in favor of the player who has collected the most Fools in the final round. If you have the same number of points, Luminaries, okuses, and Fools, it seems that the Universe wants you to consider it a tie... but you could also choose to have a tiebreaker round, continuing to play until you end a round with a clear victor.