Clearing & Refilling Fields

When you harvest the last card in a field, follow these steps in this order. 

  1. Draw until you have four cards in your hand. At this point your turn is technically over.
  2. Are there any okuses on the Illimat? If so, take any one of the okuses. 
  3. Is there a revealed  Luminary in the corner of the field? If so, add it to your score pile and resolve any effects it may have.
  4. If you took an okus in step two, or if there is an unrevealed Luminary in the corner of the field, refill the field with three cards from the top of the deck. If there aren't three cards left in the deck, do not refill the field and discard any unrevealed Luminaries on the game board  
  5. If there is an unrevealed Luminary in the corner of the field, flip it over to reveal it and resolve any immediate effects, if possible. 
When less than tree cards remain in the draw pile, discard the unrevealed luminary card. 

When less than tree cards remain in the draw pile, discard the unrevealed luminary card. 


Q. When I clear a field with a revealed Luminary, do I collect both the Luminary and an okus? 

A. Yes. 

Q. I revealed The Children, which instructs me to place three cards under the Luminary. But there's only one card left in the deck. What do I do?

A. If you cannot meet the conditions of the Luminary - whether it's placing three cards under The Children or having six cards in the field of The River - discard the Luminary.